It's Launch Day!
Everyone loves something new and for us it's been a long time coming is FINALLY here! Our NEW website! We started our business three years ago this month and to say that we have grown tremendously would be an understatement. Looking back on the past three years doesn't seem to be a long time, but thinking about where we started, our old website simply did not define our work anymore. We have been gathering and designing and working and rearranging, A LOT. For now, this is us. This website defines where we are as photographers and includes many elements of both of our personalities. We are so very, very thankful for this journey so far, all those we have met and we are so glad that YOU stopped by today! Drop us a line, give us some feedback on our new site. Sit down with a cup o'JOE and click around! We look forward to meeting you & capturing all those special moments that life offers!