Ten BEAUTY Favorites from Simplicity Just in Time for Valentine's Day

With just a week out until Valentine's Day we are serving up some of our favorite beauty products. You can test them out for your special night out on the town, or just wear them for an everyday look. Most of the products can be found at Sephora, and three of the picks today are local gals who own their own businesses.
If you are anything like me, it took me a long time to figure out what products really worked for me, especially with my oh so uber sensitive skin. Also, like an artist, I liked to "play with colors" in order to figure out which products I not only liked, but which ones would last long periods of time without touch-ups (can I get an amen for being busy and not having time to refresh during the day)!

ONE. First up! Good foundation is really key to layering any other sort of makeup. Local Mary Kay beauty consultant, Wendy Casalino (www.marykay.com/wcasalino) recently reached out to me for a beauty consultation. After trying many products, I decided to purchase this one, Mary Kay's CC Cream. I loved how easy it was to use and that I could wear it alone or layer it with foundation. For those of you who do not like heavy makeup, consider this as a way to even out your skin tone and offer a great way to build your "canvas."

TWO. My second product comes from one of my favorite beauty companies Tarte (No, I am not a saleswoman for them, but I totally love their products). The Amazonian Clay foundation is full coverage and long lasting. A little pricey, but a little goes a long way. If your skin tends to change from season to season (one of the joys of living in upstate New York) then consider their Rainforest of the Sea with a little more of a liquid, water base formula.
Together these two really make a nice duo, at least for my winter skin so far.

Now this is a big category. Brace yourself. There are SO many products out there. And to be honest you may just skip half of them because either one, you have no idea what any of them do. Or, two, you just don't have the time to figure it all out. Here are a few of my "go-to" products for each and every day. And, I promise you, I actually don't spend a whole lot of time getting ready in the morning, so if you are like me, then these are for you, my friend.

THREE. I always start with an eyeshadow primer. Why? Well, I am not the type of gal who touches up their face during the day. Nope, not here. I don't have the time to. When I put it on in the morning, I need it to last a good 12 hours before I take it off at the end of the day. Therefore, I use an eye shadow primer to help keep the shadow on for the entire day and to prevent creasing. This Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Eden is a wonderful product to keep everything "in line." Just a few dots on each eye and you are good to go, for hours. Really, I promise. You don't need a lot of product, this will last you well over a few months.

FOUR. Now that your eyes are primed and ready to go, it's time to play with color. For many years I was the girl who bought the drugstore eyeshadows. However, once I started using bareMinerals, I was hooked and started to play with more colors. I love, love, love bareMinerals hard-pressed palettes. I typically tend to stay with neutrals, earth tones and purples. With that said, since you are working with a palette you can swish your brush around in multiple colors and create your own color. The bareMineral palette here is in the Bare Neutrals color palette. However, the Posh Neutrals are also a beautiful set.
FIVE. Another go-to color palette I have is once again from Tarte (I told you I love their product). This is from the Rainforest of the Sea Collection, Highlighting Eyeshadow Palette Vol. III. An important tip to include here is also to invest in some nice brushes. They really do make all the difference. They don't have to be expensive, just great texture. I have found some great brushes from TJMaxx or Marshalls. Blending is also key, and that's why the brushes are oh so important.

SIX. For those who want a more subtle look, try out Stila's Smudge Stick Waterproof Eye Liner. I use the color Lionfish. It is a beautiful goldish dark brown. You can utilize as much or as little as you want by using a brush to blend out the color. Great purchase! I have repurchased many times. After all, like I said, these are my go-to everyday products!

SEVEN. Now, for those of you willing to go for a night time look or even a bolder daytime look, I love Lash Domination Ink Liner by bareMinerals. A great product for your upper lash line. Really great for precision as well. I have literally had this product for probably waaaay too long, but it still works like a charm and I highly recommend it.
EIGHT. To finish off the eyes, you need a great mascara. Once again, I was the drugstore mascara girl up until about a year ago. I splurged on a mascara, which is now a favorite (Marc Jacobs). However, recently Danielle Czech (www.czechoutyourbeauty.com) introduced me to Moodstruck Epic Mascara by Younique. Let's just say my already long lashes, got super loooooong! Great product and I highly recommend supporting her local business.

NINE. Lip color is really preference. However, with that said, it is important to balance your lip color with your eye color. If you are going BOLD on your eyes, take it easy on those lips; and visa versa. Again, a local beauty consultant, Monica Hoffman sells lipstick (Keep Calm & Pucker On: https://www.facebook.com/groups/keepcalmandpuckeron or e-mail: keepcalmandpuckeron@gmail.com). Her product is one that is going to last throughout the day and not easily wear off-a win, win! With a variety of shades, you are sure to find one that suites you!

TEN. I always feel like perfume is one of those things that you either love or hate. I am personally a huge fan of perfume, and I feel like it completes every outfit. In addition, I always associate smells with events and memories in my life. Crazy, I know, but there is something about getting a new spray on vacation and pulling out the same scent months later-brings you right back on vacation! Sometimes it takes a long time to figure out what scent you like. Some people tend to find something they love and stick with it as their signature scent, but for me, I like to mix it up. My latest "winter scent" is Love Relentlessly by Tori Birch. I must confess, I actually got it as a sample and love it.

So there you have it. My top ten beauty pick for February 14. Would love to hear what some of your favorites are as well! Comment below or send me an e-mail simplicityphoto2013@gmail.com. I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
All images for this post were taken by Simplicity Photography. Should you utilize them please ask Simplicity Photography first. If you need pictures of a product or need a logo made, please contact Simplicity Photography.