Mount Merino Manor Bed and Breakfast: Hudson | New York

One of the best things about being a photographer is getting to know people. Their stories, life events, upcoming special days and plans they have set. We always take time to reflect during the "slower months" to think back on how all of YOU have come into our lives through a variety of ways. This story is no different. This beautiful estate, Mount Merino Manor, is living history. You see, long before I knew her owner, my grandfather would tell stories of growing up in the area, including working on this very home. However, at the time, I didn't realize that THIS was the very house that he was talking about. Fast forward many, many, many years, I met the latest owner, Rita Birmingham through a summer camp I was teaching. We would collaborate throughout the year here and there on different events. However, about three years ago our lives re-connected at just the right time.

Like I said, Mount Merino Manor IS living history, not just in my own life, but in the many guests it has hosted

throughout its 15 years. When visiting the Bed and Breakfast snuggled away on the stunning 100-acre estate on the outskirts of Hudson, you will find nothing short of beautiful scenery, and the peace and quiet that can only come from being in nature. And if that isn't enough, each and every bedroom is thoughtfully designed and decorated with beautiful vistas of the gorgeous Hudson River and Catskill Mountains. You can check out the room that would best suite you by clicking here. A gourmet breakfast is a delicious arrangement of sweet and savory flavors, with a majority of ingredients coming from locally grown Hudson Valley farms. And, as I mentioned, life really is about an array of overlapping stories of people's lives. You will be greeted with wonderful hospitality at Mount Merino Manor, from start to finish. As you meet other guests in the dining room for breakfast, you can learn about where they are traveling from and create your plans for the day. Rita is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to selecting the very best places to travel to within the Hudson Valley. She has insight into wonderful sites to visit as well as eateries to stop along the way, no matter the cardinal direction you choose for that day.

Historically speaking, Mount Merino Manor is one of the original Hudson Valley estates. It has been privately owned and well preserved since it was built by Frederic Church's (Olana State Historic Site) friend and physician, Gustavus A. Sabine, in the 1870s. This beautiful estate is surely one that you will want to stay and visit.
Now, it is time to make YOUR own piece of history and memories with this estate. Plan your stay, you won't be disappointed.
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